Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hi, I have been enjoying the weekend with my boyfriend, he is home and leaves again tomorrow for another 2 week business trip. It sounds awful that he is traveling so much while I am injured and in a halo but the alternative could have been him being laid off and without a job. He has arranged several people to come by and check in on me, I should have plenty of help and visitors this week which is good. I am feeling better about being around people and not so black-sheepish with the halo. 

We have been relaxing (what else can you do in a halo...) and catching up with one another. He cooked me a great dinner last night and then we enjoyed a great movie together. Of course it took me forever to eat, eating in the halo is so much fun ;-)

It is odd to sit next to someone on the couch and not be able to turn and look and them when you are having a conversation. I miss being able to turn my head when someone talks or I hear a noise I want to check out. I am slowly getting used to turning my torso instead of my head. What a strange feeling! 

I will check in later with everyone, I am making a list of questions of ask my new on-line friends who I have connected with through blogging. Both of them have been in halo's and have given me support and great information - THANK YOU!! 


  1. Hi Jan. It sounds like you had a nice week-end with your boyfriend. It also sounds like he is doing his best to make sure you are looked after while he is gone. In an ideal world, he would be with you every day, but as you said, these are difficult economic times and we all have to be thankful to even have jobs. But you'll be ok, I can tell. You have great spirit. I'm happy to help where I can. Just ask. Take care.

  2. I'm so glad you had a good weekend! I took off three months to stay with my wife, working from home as possible and going to the office when she had other people with her. She wasn't alone more than an hour or two in the first 12 weeks.

    I hope your recovery is going well and you heal quickly.

  3. Hey girl

    Just checking on you - it's been a while. I went back to the doctor yesterday and I am supposed to ween my self off the collar and when I do I can start PT and then maybe some driving. Greg has updated the blog so check it out about our LONG day.


  4. I just got a halo on this Monday. I am now at home but having trouble dealing with it as it is quite a change from my pre-car-accident daily life. May I ask how you kept your sanity? I get queasy just dabbing the pins each day, so wonder how I'm going to make 12 weeks in it. It still has that new car smell but I know its going to get nasty soon, and I realize I'm lucky to only need it 12 weeks. Any thoughts?
